المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : هيا نتعلم 3

28-01-10, 09:04 PM
Everyone has a first name and a family name. For example: Ana Pedroso.
Ana is her first name, or given name.
Pedroso is her family name, or last name.
In English, we give our first name, then our last name.

Hi, I’m Ana Pedroso.
Hello, I’m Emi Okada.

When we greet friends, we usually use only the first name.

Ana: Hi, Chris.
Chris: Hey, Ana. How's it going?

All adults have a title. Use a title with the last name. Don't use a title with the first name.
For men, we use Mr. and a last name.

Mr. Redmond
Mr. Arnello

For women, we usually use Ms. and a last name.

Ms. Okada

Some single women use Miss or Ms. Emi is a single woman.

Miss Okada

Some married women use Mrs. Others use Ms.

Mrs. Arnello is married to Mr. Arnello.
Mrs. Arnello

Medical doctors and many university professors use the title, Dr.
For doctors, we usually use Dr. and a last name.

Dr. Smith
Dr. Garcia

Sometimes professors prefer the title Professor.

Professor Miller
Professor Zhang

In English, we don't use Teacher as a title.
Instead, we use Mr., Ms., Mrs., Miss.

Ms. Adams
Mr. Peterson
Mrs. Okamura
Miss Winters

وجه القمر
04-02-10, 11:10 PM
تسلم أخي ساجد على الطرح الجميل ،،

أفدتنا بموضوعك ،، لك كل الشكر ،،

تحياتي// وجه القمر ..

روح عمان
05-02-10, 03:57 PM
تسلم أخوووووووووووووووووووووي ع الطرح

بلسم الروح
17-02-10, 07:11 PM
يسلموووو على الطرح

23-02-10, 09:46 PM
مشكووور اخوووي ع المووضووع