Words changed and souls started to be apart
Drops of tears and sadness filled my eyelashes
Used to love, to feel alive, to smile all day

Words changed, and love became hate

A smile used to make me full of love and hope
A tear used to let me think of the meaning of being loved
A heart used to be mine, A heart used to have my name with golden letters
A rose used to make me cry from happiness that I finally knows what's love
I used to believe that I can see my beloved whenever I closed my eyes

Words changed, eyes closed and my beloved left me alone

It's hard, It's sorrowful, It's just tough
I'll try to get used to it
I'll do whatever I can to forget someone's owned my heart

I promise you I won't love once again
I promise you I won't love and I will not even dream about it

Words changed and my pen started to write tears instead of letters
Words changed and tears filled everything I have written