[align=center]Why We Laugh??

Oneday a man was watering his garden. His wife was sitting near him. Another woman was watching. He tried to make a jock, so he (poised) the water on his wife. Therefore, everybody laughed except her. Everyone saw that attitude was funny, but his wife didn't. Of course that made her angry.
Did you ask yourself when do we start laughing and why?? In fact, we start laugh when we are young. The child starts smiling when s/he is 8 days of age. Psychologists think that laugh is sight of pleasure and comfort. At age of 6 months or less, laughs are attending to be complex. In this age, the child laughs when s/he sees her/his mother smiling.
A writer of laughter called Martin Grotjahn said in his book which named Beyond Laughter said: when baby starts smiling in early age that means he has developed in his mind. On the other hand, when children don't laugh in early age, which means they have Psychological problems and maybe the end will be baby's death
In general, children begin to laugh between 6months-1year as assign of pleasure and comfort. Now, maybe you will ask yourself why we laugh. This is the answer.
Dr. Levine who works as a teacher in Yale University in United States says:" we laugh to control fear. For example, when the father plays with his child, the child begins to laugh because he learned to control his fear by laughing." In contrast, adult laughter is more subtle and complex. Take any couple as an example to make some explanation. Imagine that this couple is just got married and they plan to make small party to invite their friends. Of course they want their party to be perfect and unique, so they will try as far as possible to come out that like preparing the best kind of food, decorating the place where the party will be in, supervision all work and….so on. As a result, they will be tired and busy, so they will not have the time to laugh until the gist leave the place.
Laughter is social response because when we laugh, we laugh with people not alone.That of course has a lot of reflection in our relationship, but still until now scientists have not found brain center of laughter.
Philosophists said:" laughter and humor are related." Moreover an expert said that there are somethings we can't say, but we only repress them because we are not allowed to say. In fact, by laughter we release the sense of tension and also pressed, so be careful from being the putt of the jock and in our story, the wife didn't laugh because the jock was against her.
When you see life around you, you can notice that in bad situation some people laugh to reject the reality until they feel awareness. That means we use laugh as an effective way to feel a little bit comfortable.
As everyone knows laugh has great effects in our life. The most important one is laugh creates strong relationships between people. And also it has strong effect between couples. When the couple laughs together that will makes their relationship stronger. That makes them able to overcome their difficulties in life and helps them to go through the strong harsh time.
In the end, Martin Grotjahn said that when people have mastered and peaceful relationships between themselves, that means they have a sense of humor which of course causes laugh.
